Sunday, December 7, 2014

Shopping List Month: List Eleven

the list.
contents are: cream cheese, eggs, vanilla bean, milk, cray, prawns, oysters, vegetables, salad greens, tomatoes, fruit: orange, lemon, lime, nuts, bread (pan cooked), cheese, biscuits, olive oil, white wine, gas lighter, foil pan, flowers.

either this listmaker was having a dinner party, or their everyday life is seriously ballin'.

receipt one.
receipt two.
receipt three.
according to the 3 seafood places i tried, it ain't crayfish season, so that's out.

the goods.
the other goods.
meal one: breakfast

brazil nuts.
i googled 'jokes about brazil nuts'. here we go:
"what are brazilian nuts called? brazil nuts".
fuck you, internet.

meal two: morning tea

hey you there, reading this, yeah you. you're a good egg. (jesus christ, please stop me, please)

meal three: lunch

egg, crackers, (far too hard) camembert.
a couple of months ago, my workmate & i bought a bunch of cheeses, crackers, deli meat, kabana & quince paste & sat it between us for the workday. 
it was a good day, probably as good as :: this one ::

meal four: afternoon tea

goddamn you planet earth, i don't know how you managed to fuck this orange up, but damn. worst orange ever.

meal five: dinner

oysters w/ lemon/lime/olive oil dressing, cream cheese + camembert + crackers.
prawns, salad greens, white wine, pan fried bread.
this represents a typical meal for me when i'm not doing this shopping list nonsense.

meal six: breakfast

brazil nuts, vanilla bean infused milk.
i have always found the sight of little black vanilla bean flecks in food immensely pleasing. though i guess not pleasing enough to have said flecks visible in this photo.

meal seven: lunch

egg, salad greens, pan fried bread.
remember that cheesy bread you used to get at sizzler, before they died in the arse here? this bread is very similar, get on it.

meal eight: dinner

fried eggs, pan fried bread, tomatoes.
i could've made a pretty sick looking face with this meal.
goddamn missed opportunities. 

meal flowers

flowers went to mum, for mum-like deeds.

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