Sunday, November 7, 2010

this is something.

this girl on the bus was wearing two pairs of glasses. at the same time. one looked like her actual prescribed specs, and the other op-shopped. they weren't even sunnies, so it's not like she couldn't be arsed buying prescription sunnies & just desperately needed to shield her eyes from the sun. every time she moved her head, the second pair moved and she had to adjust them. this averaged about 9 adjustments per minute. that's a lot of effort just to achieve a six eyes look. more power to her? i don't know.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

DeeDee's Craptacular Movie Festival Of Crap.

so i'm doing this thing at the moment where if i want to watch a movie, i have to watch whatever is next in order in my avi movie folder that i haven't seen before. i do things like this often, obsessive quirk? i don't know, but at least it's put an end to my complete indecision when it comes to movie watching. i have a lot of random shite picked up from my brother, so this is going to be kind of gruelling at times.
all the james bond movies are first in my folder, and i've only seen one of them before, but fucked if i'm watching 20+ bond movies in a row, so i'll watch one of them every 5-10 movies 'til i'm done. so far...

lord of the rings the first one, whatever it's called - will watch the other two when i get a chance with kyle...i need to watch them with him so he doesn't miss any of my brilliant snarky commentary & so he can update me when i look away or get distracted by cats, same goes for the other two matrix movies ;) yeah, so, this was long, peeps weren't kidding for real etc. i think it made me pee a lot for some reason, much more than i usually would in 3 hours. hobbits are kinda shit. what even happened in this movie??? 3 hours and they didn't even get to their final destination! this probably would've gone better if i liked fantasy, but i really, really don't. it least it had the professor from sliders in it, love that crazy bastard.

bee movie yesssssss, the audio doesn't work! (rule is if there's something wrong with the file, i'm excused)

before i self destruct oh god no. it's a 50 cent movie. screw you zal, screw you. i am so tempted to pretend this doesn't exist, but the obsessive completest in me won't allow it. OH HOW IRONIC, HE'S A GHETTO THUG BUT HIS KID BROTHER'S A GENIUS, I GET IT. 40 minutes in so far. i can do this. he sure is shooting a lot of people. oh, and now it's turned into soft porn. there ain't a single competent actor in this whole damn thing. stilted lines galore. OHHHHHHHHHHHH. i just imdb'd it, turns out fiddy wrote it and directed it too. that explains it. doesn't he have mega-money? doesn't he own vitamin water or something? why didn't he pay someone to make this passable? goofy fuck. oh yay, more shooting. 48 mins in.