Monday, November 24, 2014

Shopping List Month: List Eight

the list.
contents are: soy. um, bikies. cheese...bikies?

i had a lot of trouble interpreting this list. it could be read a number of ways. is it 'soy milk, biscuits (as in sweet biscuits), cheese biscuits'? or is it 'soy biscuits, cheese biscuits'? (i couldn't find such a thing as soy biscuits, so that was out). or is it 'soy milk, biscuits (as in sweet), cheese, biscuits (as in crackers, savoury)'? or, surely the most likely, it means the listmaker is part of one of many bikie gangs that frequent aldi. the soy bikies and the cheese bikies are rivals & they've received a tip off that they'll both be at aldi that day. the listmaker is gonna take 'em down!

i went with the first one.

the receipt.

the goods.
i did this shop at aldi, as per the list. much to my delight, the penguins were the only form of cheese biscuit anywhere in the store, hooray! highly recommend cheese penguins, get on that shit.

meal one: late night snack

little morsels of heaven.
meal two: breakfast 

two caramelts + soy milk.
did you know that everything tastes better when served in an old timey moustache protective mug?

meal three: lunch

more happiness.
did you know that everything tastes better when served in hello kitty containers?

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