Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tim Allen Appreciation Month: Day Three

today is monday & monday is work & work is "hey tim, come on, hop in my backpack, we're off to work". work is quiet at the moment & i have plenty of time to contemplate the meaning of tim between the hours of 7:30am-3:30pm.
i offered to show tim my blood-taking skillz.
he cracked out the wrench. tim is scared of needles, it seems. i told him to put that thing away, or we both know what'll happen.

at home, i watched joe somebody (2001). see, joe is a total NOBODY who becomes a SOMEBODY after puddy from seinfeld bitchslaps him & he decides he ain't gonna take it anymore. but during that transition he loses sight of what's really important, HIS DAUGHTER'S LOVE AND RESPECT! his daughter is the indestructible cheerleader from heroes, so that's some shit you don't wanna mess with. 
in the end, EVERYTHING WORKED OUT ALLLLLLLRIGHT & everyone was HAPPY! i drew a picture that reflects what a champ joe/tim must've felt like at the end of the movie.

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