Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tim Allen Appreciation Month: Day Twenty-Seven

today i watched toy story 3 (2010).
i cried, a lot.
and now i can say i've seen the toy story movies, capping off a series of achievements in movie-trilogy-catchup-dom over the past couple of years.
so everyone can shut up now, ok?
yes, i've now seen the 3 original star wars (they were ok, y'know, harrison ford. but fuck, i hate chewy. HATE HATE HATE! SHUT UP YOU DUMB BEAST!).
yes, i've seen the matrix (totally dumb...and no, i'm not gonna watch the other two).
yes, i've seen the first lord of the rings movie (NOTHING HAPPENS. 3 HOURS FOR NOTHING TO HAPPEN). i am trying to gather the can-be-fucked-ness to watch the other ones.

i still prefer monsters inc. 
we took tim to see monsters university the other day & he said he was gonna jump ship.

in home improvement news, tim was trying to write a book & instead typed out his grunts.
i have been practicing my grunts all month, but they seem to be getting worse, not better. and tim retired his grunts long ago.
yet another precious ancient language destined to die out.

then someone made tim's head in cheese form & i have never felt more wooed.
and then, all of a sudden, it was over.
i reached the end of home improvement.
i watched a behind the scenes thingy re: the final episode & TIM PRETTY MUCH CRIED.
and when tim cries, i cry. a lot. it's been an emotional day.

today's artwork is inspired by my hunt for a picture of don rickles & tim allen together. such a thing does not appear to exist. the only logical conclusion is that don rickles HATES TIM ALLEN. to the point of beating him into a bloody pulp. i love you don rickles, but you probably shouldn't do that! i can't find a picture of don with tom hanks either, so i assume he's getting a whooping too, but at least he deserves it!

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