Monday, June 24, 2013

Tim Allen Appreciation Month: Day Twenty-Two

today my little brother had his b-ball game & tim came along & had a rollicking good time!
he even joined in with the other parents bitchin' about the referees (stupid 14 year old girls, y u no ref better?!).
judging by my face, this is the moment i decided to do an impromptu courtside poop, but do you think tim allen walked away, disgusted? no, of course he didn't, he stayed right by my side, grinning like an idiot, like a real man would.

back at home, i watched big trouble (2002). this movie was due to be released on september 21st, 2001. unfortunate for a movie about a nuclear bomb being smuggled onto a plane. the release was pushed back & when it finally, quietly, came out, was ignored & forgotten. COULD THIS BE THE REAL MOTIVE BEHIND 9/11? an plot to ruin tim allen's career? ENTIRELY POSSIBLY TRUE.

but rene russo & tim allen make a good pair, i think. i'd watch them do it. in fact, i did & you can too.
anyway, back to the basketball. 
tim told me some pretty wild stories while we were there.
one involved a time when he was at a chicago bulls game...michael jordan was at his peak, but he was still no match for tim. 
he was sitting courtside with a bevvy of babes, a gaggle of geese, a flock of seagulls, the urge just hit him & he ran alright, he ran so far away. well, not that far i guess, just as far as the ring, where he snatched the ball right outta mike's sizable hands, flew high above the net & dropped that sucka in!

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